Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Research Paper on Necrophilia Essay Example

Research Paper on Necrophilia Essay Example Research Paper on Necrophilia Paper Research Paper on Necrophilia Paper Humans are sexual beings. The procreation process is quite pleasurable and therefore the process is widespread and has many different variations tailored to people’s desires. Different people have different preferences. This paper focuses on a taboo that has been around for centuries and is still considered grotesque and detestable now as it was long ago. Necrophilia is a sexual attraction to corpses (Necrophilia). The prefix necro is Greek, meaning â€Å"death†, and philia is Greek for â€Å"love†. I choose this topic because of the interesting debate in class about Faulkers short story, â€Å" A Rose for Miss Emily†, that insinuated that she was a necrophilic. ?Necrophilia isn’t a new phenomenon. It has been going on since ancient times, with humans and even in the animal kingdom. Important Egyptian men kept their wives 7 days after death in attempt to prevent the embalmers from sexually defiling their corpses. Guards would guard tombs to protect corpses from grave robbers who would either rob the corpses or perform sexual acts with it. (Robinson 778). Legend has it that king Herod of Judea had sex with wife for 7 years after she died ( insert citiation). Many species of birds such as the mallard duck, jay bird and swallow who were observed engaging in necrophilia with the mallard duck having a homosexual necrophilic relations. ( insert citation) ? There are three different types of necrophilia. The pseudo, regular and homicidal necrophile, vary in degrees but all involve sexual arousal and gratification from a dead body. The pseudo-necrophile only fantasizes about corpses. They can role-play with a live woman who is told to be completely still and even powdered up. These lesser scale versions of necrophiles also get gratified by just viewing a dead body(insert cition). ?Another type of necrophilia is called regular necrophilia where the only way gratification is received is through actual intercourse with a dead body. Since the way to sexual pleasure is through dead bodies, these people find jobs or careers that place them around the dead. Necrophiles most common access to the dead is through their jobs. These occupations are ambulance driver, morticians, and cemetery employees. ( insert cite) ? The last type and more horrific type of necrophile are called a necro-sadistic offender which is a homicidal necrophile. These necrophiles are felons not because of their sexual acts, but because they obtain their corpses by actually killing people unlike the regular necrophiles who obtain them through their jobs. Some of these necrophiles engage in mutilation the body. The mutilation also stimulates and satisfies the offender sexually. Experts claim this type of necrophilic activity is the rarest. ( cite source) One would think that for someone to actually kill someone, just to carry out a sexual fantasy, would mean that they are mentally deranged. ?Some necrophiles have been diagnosed with personality disorder but surprisingly a high percentage of them have above average intelligence and normal personalities. According to ______ , â€Å"Necrophiles have been identified as insensitive to others, possessing a deep hatred for women, and experience an overwhelming fear of rejection. In the latter instance, the perpetrator compensates for feelings of inadequacy inasmuch as the actual sexual activity with a corpse provides the necrophile with sense of having the victim in complete submission to his authority and will. Rejection does not happen, failure does not occur, and humiliation is impossible.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cómo acreditar la ciudadanía por naturalización

Cà ³mo acreditar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n Los nuevos estadounidenses que obtienen la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n  pueden acreditar su estatus mediante un certificado conocido como N-550. Es el documento que se entrega al finalizar la ceremonia de naturalizacià ³n con la jura de lealtad a los Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n se le conoce como certificado de naturalizacià ³n y no debe confundirse con el certificado de ciudadanà ­a, que es un documento distinto para otro tipo de casos. El certificado de naturalizacià ³n debe revisarse con atencià ³n en ese momento y, si hubiera algà ºn error, como un mal deletreo del nombre o del apellido o un fallo en la fecha de nacimiento o paà ­s de origen o en el estado civil, debe comunicarse a un oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En ese momento podr corregirse de forma gratuita. Este certificado de naturalizacià ³n es muy importante. Ya que acredita que una persona ha dejado de ser extranjera por las autoridades de los Estados Unidos. Y, por lo tanto, se convierte en ciudadana estadounidense de pleno derecho, con todos los derechos, libertades y obligaciones.   Adems, este certificado sirve para acreditar la nacionalidad para sacar el pasaporte estadounidense y como documento que pruebe al llenar el I-9 que se tiene derecho a trabajar en Estados Unidos. En este artà ­culo se explican cules son las caracterà ­sticas del certificado de naturalizacià ³n, que est prohibido hacer con à ©l, cules son los consejos que deben seguirse en su custodia, quà © debe hacerse si se extravà ­a o deteriora y, finalmente, derechos de los nuevos ciudadanos que deciden irse a vivir definitivamente o por largas temporadas a otro paà ­s. Caracterà ­sticas fà ­sicas del certificado de naturalizacià ³n N-550 En la actualidad este documento cuenta con importantes medidas de seguridad que dificultan su falsificacià ³n. Por ejemplo, la foto del nuevo ciudadano aparece digitalizada, la firma forma parte intrà ­nseca del certificado y la tinta con la que se imprime cambia de color. Todas estas caracterà ­sticas hacen que ahora sea muy difà ­cil adulterar, falsificar o manipular el documento. Destacar que los certificados anteriores a 2010, que carecen de esas caracterà ­sticas, siguen siendo vlidos. Pero debido a caracterà ­sticas como tener la foto del interesado simplemente pegada y su firma escrita a mano hacen que no sean tan seguros como los actuales. Por este motivo, se recomienda que se tomen especiales medidas para tenerlo siempre en un lugar seguro para evitar que pueda caer en manos criminales. Prohibicià ³n de fotocopiar el certificado de naturalizacià ³n y excepcià ³n Este certificado es mucho ms que un simple papel. Su titular es ciudadano de Estados Unidos, con todos los derechos que eso conlleva. Y precisamente para evitar que se pueda hacer uso fraudulento del mismo, se considera que es ilegal fotocopiarlo. Sin embargo, hay una excepciones a esta regla general. Y es que se  puede fotocopiar cuando el propio USCIS u otra oficina del gobierno es quien solicita una copia. Por ejemplo, cuando el nuevo ciudadano solicita una visa para su prometido o novia, o cuando pide una green card para un familiar. Aà ºn en estos casos, algunos abogados recomiendan que la fotocopia se haga en blanco y negro y que en la parte blanca del margen se anote This is a copy for USCIS purposes. Tambià ©n se puede fotocopiar cuando sea otro organismo oficial del gobierno quien realiza la peticià ³n. En algunas ceremonias de naturalizacià ³n, los agentes del USCIS seà ±alan que el certificado sà ­ se puede fotocopiar pero sà ³lo en blanco y negro y sà ³lo para que su titular lo guarde y lo utilice como una herramienta para tener tranquilidad mental. Es decir, saber que tiene una copia si el original se pierde. (Pero la copia no puede nunca ser utilizada para ninguna gestià ³n oficial excepto en los dos casos arriba aludidos). En ningà ºn caso se puede fotocopiar y enviar la copia a una empresa privada o entregarla a familiares, amigos o vecinos. Consejos para el mantenimiento del Certificado de naturalizacià ³n Procurar  no doblar el certificado. Con el paso del tiempo podrà ­a hacer que partes del documento se hagan difà ­ciles de leer. No enmarcar el certificado. Las oficinas del gobierno sà ³lo lo pueden aceptar como documento si no est enmarcado. Es necesario poder tocar el certificado.Si tiene que ir a la Embajada o al consulado de su paà ­s de nacimiento para registrar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense y asà ­ conservar la original, no permitir  que marquen, grapen o escriban en el certificado. Si lo hacen, el certificado se considera daà ±ado y habr que pedir uno nuevo al USCIS (instrucciones ms abajo). Quà © hacer si se necesita obtener una nueva copia del certificado de naturalizacià ³n Puede suceder que el certificado sufra daà ±os, se extravà ­e o, incluso, que se cambie de nombre por matrimonio, divorcio u otra razà ³n. En estos casos se puede solicitar que el USCIS emita un nuevo certificado rellenando el formulario N-565. La tarifa actual que hay que pagar es de $345 por la gestià ³n (verificar siempre el importe, a que puede variar sin previo aviso).   Si se est pasando por una à ©poca de dificultades econà ³micas, podrà ­a ser posible, si se cumplen los requisitos, aplicar para no tener que pagar estar tarifa al USCIS En ese enlace se puede acceder siempre a formulario actualizado, a informacià ³n al dà ­a sobre costo por enviar esta solicitud y a quà © oficina del USCIS se debe enviar, dependiendo del lugar en el que se reside. El USCIS entregar el nuevo certificado al titular en persona, a su representante legal o utilizar correo certificado o registrado. Si la razà ³n por la que se pide el nuevo certificado es que el original se ha daà ±ado, antes de recibir el nuevo hay que entregar, obligatoriamente, lo que quede del daà ±ado. El certificado de naturalizacià ³n reemplazado recibe el nombre tà ©cnico de N-570. A tener en cuenta cuando el ciudadano se muda a otro paà ­s Ahora que ya se es ciudadano,se puede pasar largas temporadas en otro paà ­s o mudarte definitivamente al extranjero sin perder nunca el estatus de ciudadano por el mero hecho de vivir en otro paà ­s. En estos casos es importante saber cà ³mo se transmite la nacionalidad por sangre a los  hijos nacidos en el extranjero. Asimismo, es importante saber quà © derechos de jubilacià ³n se tiene u otros como votar en las elecciones presidenciales. Por otra parte, no olvidar que se siguen teniendo obligaciones, como  seguir pagando impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Prime Ministers can never behave like Presidents. Therefore, the Essay - 1

Prime Ministers can never behave like Presidents. Therefore, the presidentialisation of parliamentary democracies thesis is misguided. Discuss - Essay Example 2010). This mounting discontent in several parliamentary democracies is taking place against the backdrop of a popular movement toward individual headship by the chief executive. This has not been complemented by new machineries that would enable the electorate to make their leaders, instead of the parliamentarians and parties, responsible (Mughan 2000). The case of Britain, and existing pre-election movement, reveals these conflicts well. Tony Blair pleases voters on the basis of his reputation, but the electorate cannot reprimand or reward the prime minister directly. Their sole power is to support or oppose his/her party, whose control on its leader is usually viewed as restricted (Flinders, Gamble, Hay & Kenny 2009). This disparity in accountability has broadened over the recent decades. Although political leadership strategies and electoral appeals in Britain throughout the past three decades have become ever more presidential and individualised, the system stays decisively party and parliamentary based (Gunther, Montero & Puhle 2007). The emergence of this ‘individualisation’ of political leadership has been traced by the author of The British Presidency, Michael Foley (2000). He claimed that it is, partly, the politicians’ reaction to the media environment. Policymakers resent the media’s focus on exposing personality conflicts and the manipulative mechanisms of contemporary politics, disregarding policy and ideas, making political issues emergency headlines. There are, basically, similarities and differences between presidential chief executives and prime ministers, but both necessitate two major power machineries to work successfully: control over the parliament, and power within the executive (Samuels & Shugart 2010). In general, the United States, the most prominent case of presidentialism, has an executive which certainly holds the first power source, but

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Human Resource Development and Management Critical Thinking Mod 5 Essay

Human Resource Development and Management Critical Thinking Mod 5 - Essay Example Every employee possesses different positive and negative qualities which need to be molded to meet the requirements of a business. Every individual has strength and weaknesses, but training brings out the best in an employee. Training alone cannot bring productivity and performance standard in an employed but a development process also need to be followed by the managerial level. As per (Career NZ) â€Å"Workplace training, also known as trade or industry training, involves learning and earning money while you work†. There are certain steps in training and development procedure and that need to be followed. Analysis: Analyzing means understanding and evaluating the abilities and skills of individual employees. This is the primary stage and an important one to initiate training process. According to (CMI, 2003) â€Å"Analyzing what the training needs are is a vital prerequisite for any effective training programmer or event†. Without a proper analysis training can procee d to be a disastrous process. In this stage, a training manger can glance deep into the positive and negative qualities of an employee. This helps the manager to assess the refinement needed in a person to come up as a quality staff. Planning: When a training co – coordinator or manager conduct analyzis, he has in mind the ways to plan a training procedure. As per (Johnson) â€Å"Designing an effective training program for an organization is a challenging task. You need to be highly organized and have a clear idea of what you need the training program to accomplish†. A training structure cannot be formulated if the individual employees are not studied in a calculative manner.Planning is secondary to analysis as only after analysis can a manger lay out what elements need to be included or excluded in a training program. As per(Ajlouni,2010,pg 56-65)â€Å"The process of identifying training needs is carefully thought out programmer that needs to be carried out with sens itivity because success of a training programmer may be crucial for the survival of the organization†. Execution :This is the third and a very important stage in training and development phenomenon. Here, the manager execute or put in practice the training plan. Here , each individual is educated about the organizational objective and the qualities needed for an ideal employee. During a training program , the main objective of a manager is to develop the personality and performance standard of the employees participating. As per (Seeklander,2009)â€Å"Sloppy attention to detail, or a lazy work ethic during training sessions will result in imprinting a technique wrong into our subconscious mind† Development: Development is the ongoing educational activity occurring in an organization as a part of a training program. A development process involves many educational techniques which will enhance the productivity and performance quality of an employee. In the journal, (Truit t, 2007) writes thatâ€Å"Positive training offered to employees may assist with reduction of anxiety or frustration, which most employees have experienced on more than one occasion during their employment careers†. Feedback – Feedback is an important process in all these stages of training and development session. This gives an outline and idea to the training manager about the experience of the trainees. According to (Raemdonck, 2012, pg24-48) â€Å"

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Christian and Islamic Art Essay Example for Free

Christian and Islamic Art Essay Christian and Islamic Art The difference between Islamic art and Christian art is that Christian art is of human objects and forms while Islamic art portrays the meaning and reflection of things. Unlike Christian art, people do not appear on Islamic art. Unlike Christian art, Islam art does not include pictures and statues of Prophets and Gods. Christian art however, brings religious forms and images to life. It represents spiritual beliefs through illustrated scenes from the life of Jesus. It gives us images of biblical episodes and even carries on stories and images of those now deceased. The Catacombs (Christian burials) represents the final resting place for Christians. It represents ultimate love, sacrifice and triumph. When I first entered into the Catacombs of Rome, I remember walking down into the catacomb and feeling bit nervous as I was surrounded by darkness. It was dark, humid, smelly and yet, so beautiful! There were religious carvings on the inside that almost looked like chalk drawings. The clearest memory I have is visiting the section where the martyrs were buried and putting myself in their position. Would I have been so brave? In Islam, calligraphy is a major Islamic art form. Writing, books, geometry and patterns are most important. In Islam art, geography reflects the language of the world and most importantly, it reflects their spiritualism. A circle for example has no end and represents infinity. It represents never ending love. For Islam, the circle is a reminder that Allah is infinite. My Muslim brother-in-law, born in Lebanon, doesn’t take pictures and explained to that in his culture, taking pictures of living forms is forbidden. They can take pictures of objects, but not of pets or humans. Of course, in my culture we save pictures for memory keepsakes. After 7 years of marriage, he agreed to take a family picture with my sister and their three sons. It was a huge sacrifice in his part but this also explains how art, religion and culture have an influence on each other.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Observations at the Park Essay -- Observation Essay, Descriptive Essay

Observations at the Park A cigarette butt lies next to my foot, still emitting a trace of smoke. Nearby on the dusty asphalt a pigeon waddles self-consciously, bobbing its head as if pecking the air for some invisible food. A squirrel churrs a threat to his brother, challenging him to romp. The walkway before me never becomes silent. A buzz of voices blends with the city soundscape of cars driving and trucks backing, swingsets squealing and sparrows chirping. A toddler, holding tightly to his sister's stroller, yells "Achtung! Achtung! Achtung!" at a squirrel that crosses two inches from his foot. His mother comforts him, in German. A man sits down on the bench across from me, eyelids dropping on his creased red face as he stirs his cup of coffee. The bench I sit on is green, painted over years of dents and names scratched in wood. My backpack sits to my left with its main zipper opened just wide enough for me to extract my notebook and pen. At my right is my suitcase. Its pockets are crammed full like the subway this morning, barely room left to breathe, creaking and comp...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Wireless Power Transmission Technologies For Solar Power Environmental Sciences Essay

Abstract- The chief beginning of the energy in our life comes from fossil fuels, which is a non-renewable resource moreover it produces high sum of CO2. One of the solutions to planetary energy crises is development of geosynchronous orbit solar power orbiters ( SPS ) .It provides a clean and efficient beginning of energy by roll uping the solar power from infinite and so transporting it to the Earth. This is a new beginning of clean energy. Space solar power can work out our energy and nursery gas emanations jobs. Space solar power can supply big measures of energy to each and every individual on Earth with really small environmental impact. The clip mean power per unit country in infinite is 5-10 times larger than that on the land, while the power loss for the radio power transmission/reception is expected less than 50 % .This paper provides a reappraisal on the presently formulated engineerings like microwave power transmittal, laser power transmittal and the intercrossed power tr ansmittal systems for transmittal of solar power to the Earth from SPS. It besides talks about the effects on human wellness and environment due to SPS. Finally the paper suggests the development of a bread board modelA for microwaveA radio power transmittal ( WPT ) . The intents of utilizing this bread board theoretical account is to obtain a precise directional control of WPTA technologyA , which includes the direct sensing of rectenna sites, and the microwave beam control accomplishment with high angular preciseness, and to clear up the extension features of the microwaveA powerA in the ionosphere. KEYWORDS – Microwave, Solar power orbiter, wireless power transmittal.I. IntroductionEnergy and environment are one of the most of import planetary issues which have to be resolved to prolong our society. 80 % of energy in our life comes by using fossil fuels. If we continue to utilize the dodo fuel resources at the current ingestion rate, they will be wholly over within 100-150 old ages. Furthermore, the immense sum of ingestion of fossil fuel additions CO2 concentrations in the ambiance, which raises serious environmental issues. If we continue to depend on the dodo fuel, we will see significant debasement of life quality within this century. The emanation of green house gases besides leads to a figure of wellness jobs. Another beginning of energy is from atomic power, but the job of this beginning is the waste disposal factors. The energy ingestion graph is shown in fig 1 [ 6 ] . The planetary issues in the closed Earth system will be efficaciously solved by a paradigm disp lacement to the unfastened earth- infinite system. The life clip of Sun is estimated as 4-5 billion old ages. There is limitless changeless solar energy supply in infinite free from conditions conditions, rather different from that on the Earth, therefore we can see solar power orbiter as a long term beginning of energy. The construct of the SPS is to tap the solar energy utilizing a large-scale photovoltaic array in infinite and to convey it to the land utilizing optical maser beam or micro-cook as shown in fig.2 [ 6 ] . It has a great potency for a large-scale energy system to replace the dodo fuel workss. The clip mean power per unit country in infinite is 5-10 times larger than that on the land, while the power loss for the radio power transmittal and response is expected to be less than 50 % . Hence SPS has a competitory advantage over the solar power workss on the land. Solar power orbiter has the capacity to supply about all the electrical demands of our planet. Furthermore it is green beginning of energy, it does non breathe any unsafe green house gases, and it will non bring forth any risky wastes excessively, it will supply power 24 hours a twenty-four hours 7 yearss a hebdomad in immense measures and it works irrespective of cloud screen, daylight or weave velocity. But it requires heavy developmental cost. The SPS was foremost brought up by Peter Glaser in 1968, followed by NASA/DOE surveies in the 1970 ‘s. Since the early probes, different types of the SPS have been proposed, more than 30 in the universe. Most of the SPS theoretical accounts proposed so far uses microwave instead than optical maser for the radio power transmittal, because the power, efficiency both at the sender and receiving system is by and large higher and fading through the ambiance is lower for microwave as seen with that of optical maser.II. MICROWAVE POWER TRASMISSION FOR SPSMicrowave frequence for SPS has been selected in a scope of 1-10 GHz, compromising between atmospheric fading and antenna size. Fig.3 [ 5 ] illustrates the constellation of infinite solar power systems dwelling of SPS and associated land sections. If we choose a frequence in the industrial, scientific and medical ( ISM ) wireless sets, 2.45 or 5.8 GHz are the possible campaigner. 2.45 GHz was selected in the early stage survey, but 5. 8 GHz has been late chosen as a more desirable frequence due to recent accelerated advancement in C-band RF engineering. The microwave power transmittal system has the undermentioned map, i.e. 1 ) First the transition of direct power from photovoltaic cell to micro-cook power. 2 ) Followed by the formation and control of microwave beam aimed to fixed location in Earth. 3 ) Last roll uping the microwave energy and change overing it into electrical energy on the Earth surface. Therefore the microwave WPT system consists of a sender ( in infinite ) , beam control mechanism and having aerial system ( on the Earth ) . As for the microwave generator, tubings such as magnetron, klystron, and TWT have been proposed for the SPS usage because the power transition efficiency is well high more than 70 % at low cost. Semiconductor amplifier is another possible campaigner as the power efficiency has been moderately improved to 60-70 % with low cost outlook. Besides the power efficiency, beam indicating engineerings to convey the microwave power beam exactly to the receiving locations are indispensable for the power transmittal. They are curious to the radio power transmittal, non covered by the bing communicating engineerings. A beam angle 100 I?rad with a 10 I?rad indicating truth is required for the 5.8 GHz transmittal from an aerial of 2 kilometers square in the geosynchronous orbit to a response site of 3.5 kilometers diameter on the land. The conveying aerial will be assembled by a figure of array aerial panels which consist of sub-array aerials. Wholly more than 1 billion aerials will be installed as in Fig.4 [ 6 ] . A retro-directive engineering with a pilot signal from the land will be used to command the microwave beam from each aerial panel directing to the land station. Although each panel is sufficiently stiff for microwave beaming, comparative gesture between the panels can non be avoided for the big aerial assembly. In order to organize a microwave beam exactly focused at the land station, the stage of microwave from each panel needs to be adjusted between the panels, which requires radical new engineerings. In the absence of the pilot signal, sender will automatically diphase its power beam and the peak power denseness lessenings by the ratio of the transmission elements. Still small spot of energy is lost due to side lobes which are caused by diffraction. To avoid this loss we have to do having aerial of really big size to suit the side lobes, which is practically non possible. The microwave power at the having site is rectified to supply dc power utilizing arrays of rectifying aerial ( rectenna ) as shown in Fig.5 [ 6 ] with Schottky rectifying tube. The power transition efficiency for individual rectenna exceeds 80 % in a power scope more than 50 mW. However, farther research is required to better the power efficiency for 1 mW category input and rectenna array as a whole. We use Schottky rectifying tube since it has lowest electromotive force bead and highest velocity of operation, hence waste least sum of power due to conductivity and shift. Presentation of microwave power transmittal towards SPS on land and on a little orbiter or on the International Space Station.III. LASER WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSIONSatellite and system architectures based on optical maser radio power transmittal were foremost considered earnestly during the SPS Exploratory Research and Technology ( SERT ) plan [ 6 ] . Laser systems have one major advantage for power transmittal which is the aperture aggregation efficiency. Whereas microwave power transmission and receiving aerials are sized in kilometres, laser systems can be sized in metres. A secondary advantage is that optical maser based systems lend themselves more readily to incremental developments than microwave based systems. However, the major hurdle that optical masers based systems face is atmospheric losingss particularly due to the rain fading. To supply uninterrupted power, which would be necessary to measure up SPS as base burden power coevals, the optical maser system would either hold to hold monolithic land energy storage capableness or multiple sites located sufficiently far apart such that one of the sites would be available at all times. With the lower delivered power per site design standards of the current surveies compared to the DOE/NASA mention system, beam safety has minimum influence on the design of a microwave based solar power orbiter system, nevertheless, it has been a major factor for optical maser based systems. To cover with optical maser oculus and skin exposure bounds, a system of geostationary bunch of optical maser orbiters are distributed uniformly through a sufficient solid angle of infinite, with the beams from the orbiters spread uniformly over the 600m diameter photovoltaic array having site. With such a system, it is possible to keep safety criterions and still present IR visible radiation ( 1.03I?m, 1.06I?m ) with a septuple addition in power denseness over natural sunshine. Practical realisation of such a system is through a HALO orbit in which the orbiters appear to travel in a round orbit about a fixed point in infinite. Individual orbiters would hold multiple solid-state optical masers po wered by photovoltaic arrays. Lasers are dispersed among photovoltaic cells to minimise power direction. Light is beamed straight to the Earth or collected by mirrors or through fiber optics to a cardinal guidance mirror and so beamed to the Earth. A fresh attack to get the better ofing weather break of optical maser based power beaming is to utilize the beamed power to hive away energy at the having site for ulterior transit. A low-earth-orbit ( LEO ) orbiter would utilize a concentrator Federal solar. Integrated Symmetric Concentrator with concentrator mirrors, photovoltaic arrays and microwave sender phonograph record ( 500m in diameter ) pumped laser to present 10MW of optical maser energy focused into a armored combat vehicle of saltwater incorporating Ti dioxide as a accelerator to divide the H2O into its constituent H and O. Hydrogen can be used as fuel or it can be reacted with CO2 to do methane [ 1 ] .IV. HYBRID LASER-MICROWAVE WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSIONLaser and micro-cook wireless power transmittal ea ch have alone advantages, i.e. , optical masers require smaller apertures and microwaves are about immune to rain and other atmospheric conditions. Proposals are made to unite the two options such that each would run in its most advantageous environment. The key to the design proposal is a platform operating in the stratosphere at about 20km tallness. Lasers can be used to beam power from orbiters at geostationary orbit through infinite ( no atmospheric fading ) to a photovoltaic array on the platform. The power would so be retransmitted with microwaves from the platform to a land rectenna. This would minimise both the size of the orbiter sender and land receiving system for an all-weather transmittal system. Drawbacks to such a system include efficiency losingss due to the conversion/retransmission measure and the likeliness of transcending microwave beam power denseness safety criterions. Fig. 6 [ 1 ] depicts the schematic of SPS.V. ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH CONCERNSAn appraisal of the SERT Program by the US National Research Council [ 5 ] has recommended more accent and enlargement of its environmental, wellness, and safety attempts, in order to reexamine the environmental, wellness, and safety jeopardies of the design. It is besides necessary to analyze the biological deductions of SPS-WPT. To guarantee environmental wellness and safety, the SERT Program has limited the â€Å" center-of-beam † power densenesss to the scope of 100-200W/m2 ( 10-20 mW/cm2 ) for both microwave and seeable light transmittal. For WPT, the microwave power denseness is projected to be 1.0 W/m2 ( 0.1 mW/cm2 ) at the margin of the rectenna. The ANSI/IEEE criterion [ 6 ] for maximal allowable human exposure to micro-cook radiation at 2.45 GHz is 81.6 W/m2 ( 8.16 mW/cm2 ) averaged over six min and 16.3 W/m2 ( 1.63 mW/cm2 ) averaged over 30 min, severally, for controlled and uncontrolled environments. The controlled and uncontrolled state of affairss are distinguished by whether the exposure takes topographic point with or without cognition of the exposed person and is usually interpreted to intend persons who are occupationally exposed to the microwave radiation, as contrasted with the general populace. Clearly, beyond the margin of the rectenna, the possible exposure, for either the CERT or Reference System, would be good below that presently allowable to the general populace. The SPS-WPT system, proposed by Japan ‘s METI, will be designed to hold a land degree microwave power denseness lower than those emitted by cellular nomadic telephones. Cellular telephones operate with power densenesss at or below the ANSI/IE EE exposure criterions [ 7 ] . Thus, public exposure to the SPS-WPT Fieldss would besides be below bing safety guidelines. At the centre of the microwave beam, power densenesss would be greater than the allowable degree of exposure for controlled state of affairss. Except for care forces, human exposure would usually non be allowed at this location. In the instance of occupationally required presence, protective steps, such as spectacless, baseball mitts, and garments, might be used to cut down the exposure to a allowable degree. However, above the rectenna, where the power denseness is about 250 W/m2 ( 25 mW/cm2 ) , research in support of the Reference System has found that some birds exhibit grounds of sensing of microwave radiation. This suggests that migratory birds, winging above the rectenna, might endure break in their flying waies. Furthermore, at higher ambient temperatures, larger birds seem to see more heat emphasis than smaller 1s, during 30 min of exposure [ 5 ] .This extra heat, from micro-cook energy deposited inside their organic structure, will emphasize their thermic regulative capacity .VI. BREAD BOARD MODEL AND FUTURE SCOPE OF COMMERCIAL SPSThe staff of life board theoretical account is formed by a thin panel construction with a thickness of 6 centimeter, and the panel consists of aA transmittal aerial bed, microwave elaboration bed and thermic radiation bed, severally. Performances of the bread board were measured and evaluated. Additionally, the microwave beam maneuvering experiments by the package retro-directive method were demonstrated. A Performances of the bread board were measured and evaluated. Thermal transeunt features of the bread board theoretical account were simulated. A engineering roadmap from research stage to commercial stage is shown in Fig.7 [ 5 ] . Based on the consequences from the small-scale presentation experiments in infinite, together with the consequences from the land experiments, we will do a determination on the engineering option, microwave or laser, for the radio power transmittal. With the selected transmittal medium, we will do a 100 kW-class SPS presentation experiment in orbit before 2020. All basic engineerings required for the commercial SPS will be verified at this phase. This attack is in conformity with the basic program on infinite development by the authorities ‘s infinite development scheme headquarter in Japan. After completion of these presentations Japan will choose a constellation for the initial mark of the commercial SPS. The expected power cost depending to a great extent on the development of infinite transit and public credence will be the major trade off factors for choice. For the selected constellati on, 2 MW and 200 MW category works will be constructed and tested before 2030. This scenario guaranties the start of building of the 1 GW category commercial SPS in 2030 ‘s.VII. DecisionOne of the most critical engineerings for the SPS is microwave power transmittal from the geosynchronous orbit to the land. Evolutionary microwave engineerings are required for high power transition efficiency more than 80 % from/to DC and an highly high-precise beam control with 10 I?rad truth. These engineerings will be partly verified in the land presentation experiment within several old ages and will be to the full verified in the infinite experiments within 10 old ages. Although the needed engineerings are rather ambitious, go oning research activities along with the proposed roadmap will take to opening the new SPS epoch in 2030 ‘s.VIII. Reference[ 1 ] C.A. Schafer, D. Gray 16 May 2012, â€Å" Transmission media appropriate laser-microwave solar power orbiter system † 61st I AC, Prague. [ 2 ] J.C. Lin, 1997 â€Å" Biological facets of nomadic communicating Fieldss, † Wireless Networks, vol. 3, pp. 439-453 [ 3 ] National Research Council, 2001, â€Å" Puting the foundation for infinite solar power † : An appraisal of NASA ‘s infinite solar power investing scheme, Washington DC [ 4 ] P.E.Glaser, 1968, â€Å" Power from the Sun: Its Future † , Science, vol.162, pp.867-886. [ 5 ] Susumu Sasaki, Koji Tanaka, 2011, â€Å" Wireless Power Transmission Technologies for Solar Power Satellite † , International communicating conference IEEE. [ 6 ] S.Sasaki, K.Tanaka and Advanced Mission Research Group, Sep.-Oct. 2010, â€Å" SSPS Technologies Demonstration in Space † , IAC-10.C3.4.1, 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague. [ 7 ] S.Sheik Mohammed, K. Ramasamy, T. Shanmuganantham, 2010, â€Å" Wireless Power Transmission – A Following Generation Power Transmission System † IEEE International Journal of Computer Applications [ 8 ] Timothy J.Wickenheiser â€Å" The Interagency Advanced Power Group † , Available at: & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //iapg.grc.nasa.gov/iapg/ & gt ; [ Accessed on 30 Dec 2012 ] [ 9 ] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 8 Dec 1998, â€Å" Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields 3 kilohertz to 300 GHz † , IEEE std C95.1 1999 edition

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Explore the Relation Between Othello and Desdemona

Furthermore, the tragedy of the play is Othello hubris forcing him to murder his wife – the action which proves his Inability to Integrate with Venetian society. Shakespeare presents the relationship between Desman and Othello in a deeply Immersed way by defining it both in terms of their personal interaction, and the reaction and interference of the characters in the play. Most importantly, the antagonist of the play, Ago, uses Adhesion's â€Å"goodness† as the net to â€Å"enmesh† Othello, In addition to his other victims Including Cassia and Ordering. Gags Machiavellian plot to be evened with Othello, â€Å"wife for wife† depends heavily on his ability to destroy his marriage – thus confirming the importance of Desman. The status of Desman and Toothless relationship as a major point of conflict is clear from the very beginning of the play – where Ago and Ordering attempt to â€Å"poison the delight† of Abrogation by revealing that D esman had secretly married Othello. In terms of context, the concept of marriage without parental consent was taboo in Jacobean society, and would've been controversial even in Venetian society – which was considered much more relaxed than Jacobean Britain.It Is also Interesting to note the use of the word â€Å"poison†, which Is a strong theme throughout the play -? ND foreshadows Toothless eventual request that Ago â€Å"get me some poison† in order to murder Desman. Foreshadowing is further utilizes by Shakespeare in Act II Scene l, where he has Barbarian warn Othello to â€Å"look to her Moor, she has deceived her Father and may thee†. This effect Is heightened by Toothless claim that he places â€Å"my life upon her faith†, a moment of great irony which perfectly complements the claim that ‘in losing [Desman], he loses himself.It is important to note the great trust Othello places in Desman In this scene and how it coincides with his non event, eloquent speech which prompts the Duke to acknowledge â€Å"this tale would win my daughter too†. The poetic blank verse which Othello speaks, and has led some critics such as A C Bradley to describe him as â€Å"the most romantic among Shakespearean heroes† is in stark contrast to the clumsy, monosyllabic prose which he speaks later In the play – by which point his confidence In Desman, and therefore himself, has been destroyed by Ago.There is some element of truth in Othello claim that he â€Å"loved too well† and it is this resolute nature which ultimately dooms him. His rashness, which would have been praised as decisiveness on the battlefield, forces him to dismiss Cassia perhaps too swiftly – and place too much trust in â€Å"honest Ago', whose role as â€Å"ensign† should be confined to military affairs – not his general's private life. It could also be argued that Othello was doomed by his race, in the words of Anta Lo mb the inflict of the play derives from â€Å"the threat of a black man and a white woman† to the â€Å"patriarchal† Venetian society.The racist semantic field used in the opening scene, â€Å"thick lips†, â€Å"old black ram† and simply â€Å"the moor† sets a precedent for the rest of the play, and Othello final speech where he acknowledges he is an outsider, â€Å"circumcised dog† is evidence that Lagos manipulation has forced him to question himself and become the stereotype Ago depicted him as. Ultimately, the relationship of Desman and Othello is integral to the play, and Othello descent into barbarism is facilitated by his loss of faith in Desman.Othello himself placed his â€Å"life upon her faith† – and as a resolute man he was left with no choice but to destroy himself when he felt she had betrayed him. Lagos malignant, calculating intelligence led him to the conclusion that the moor he hated could be destroyed by his love for his wife – Just as Ordering could be destroyed by his lust, and Cassia by his arrogant, flirtatious nature. Lagos ability to detect the weaknesses of those around him is the characteristic which defines the tragedy of ‘Othello', and thus the knowledge that Desman is Vital to her Husband' allowed him to exact his Machiavellian plot with tragic consequences.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Quest Essays - Social Psychology, Identity, Free Essays

The Quest Essays - Social Psychology, Identity, Free Essays The Quest The Quest Introduction Adolescence is a period of life in which critical psychological and physiological changes occur. It is also the time when identity, a unified sense of self characterized by attitudes, beliefs, and ways of acting that are genuinely ones own (Insel, 1994), forms. The theory of Eric Erikson describes the psychological development of identity as a developmental stage in which individuals are faced with finding out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.(Santrock, 1997) During this stage, adolescents are trying to find an answer to the question Who am I? and making important life choices, such as career, intimate commitments, or morality. The identity formation period is very critical and it will affect the individual throughout the adulthood. If adolescent arrives at a positive path to follow in life, then a positive identity will be achieved; but if a positive future path is not defined, then identity confusion reigns. (Santrock, 1997) Methods I interviewed a 13 year old girl from a well educated family. The interview was done in the privacy of her house in her own room and took about 40 minutes. During the interview, the teen was asked to answer a list of questions and encouraged to use as much details as possible. Each answer was carefully recorded and evaluated. The questions I asked her targeted fundamental self aspects that build the feeling of identity. The interview examined the following aspects: role experimentation, self certainty, peer relationships, family relationships, sexual orientation, career, and leadership. Results The girl I interviewed had a strong sense of uniqueness-she wants to be different and expresses herself colorfully. I found that appearance is very important, such as adoption of different fashions and in hair styles. Girls are very conscious of how they look. While admitting that appearance is crucial, the teen made a point that maintaining a sense of confidence and self-esteem is important for your future. Also, I was informed that it is substantial to try everything and put your butt here and there. It appears that teenagers think they should experiment with smoking, drinking, sexual activity, and other adults stuff. In addition, the significance of the successful role model, a father in this case, was emphasized. Furthermore, the teen stressed that she considers herself a very sociable individual who likes to mix with different groups. She also feels that she is the woman of the 90s and plans to depend on herself. She also claimed to possess some leadership qualities in her natur e, which will become more and more evident as she will mature. I also found that it is crucial to have a sense of direction in ones own life. Together with that, she indicated that she feels that the involvement in the intimate relationship, having a boyfriend, means a big deal to her. She added that it is important to have someone to talk to and do stuff with. Discussion Adolescents are obsessed with their looks and they are expected to do that because it is through these symbols, wearing the right clothes and having cool sunglasses, that their identities are formed. Adolescents are expected to view self-esteem as crucial; after all, it plays a big role in their quest for identity. As teenagers begin their quests for identity, they experiment with different roles, various social postures, and self-images (this is what Erikson would call a search for identity). Teens often feel that appearing mature will bring recognition and acceptance, so they begin to engage in behavior associated with adults, such as smoking, drinking, and sexual activity. Experimenting with different roles is expected in Erikson stage and having a role model is not uncommon. During the early adolescence, a role model is usually one of the parents. ( Insel, 1994) Teens often are very social at this stage and that is expected because socialization contributes a lot to a teens searc h for identity. Some teens have already developed a strong sense of self-worth and it is not uncommon, although it is not necessarily expected for them to develop a sense of self worth at such a young age. Today, the percentage of teens who engage in sexual activities is increasing every year together with the

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes

How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes Footnotes and endnotes both let you add extra information in an essay or college paper. But what should you include in these notes? And when should you use them? In this post, we run through everything you need to know about using footnotes and endnotes in academic writing. What Are Footnotes and Endnotes? Footnotes appear at the bottom or â€Å"foot† of the page. You can therefore put extra information in a footnote, such as source details for a citation, without interrupting the flow of the main text. To indicate a footnote, you can add a superscript number to the text, such as at the end of this sentence.1 These numbers then correspond to numbered notes at the bottom of the page. A footnote or three. Endnotes are like footnotes, but they appear together at the end of the document rather than at the bottom of each page. Endnotes are thus less immediately accessible for the reader than footnotes, but they can help ensure that pages with multiple notes don’t become cluttered. If you are not sure which to use, check your style guide for advice. Footnotes and Endnotes in Microsoft Word To insert a footnote or endnote in a Microsoft Word document, you need to: Go to References Footnotes on the main ribbon Select either Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote as required Type your note in the newly created footnote/endnote Footnote tools in MS Word. You can also customize the style of footnotes and endnotes by clicking on the arrow in the bottom right of the Footnotes section of the References tab (or by going to Insert Footnotes in Word for Mac). This will open a new window where you can select your preferred formatting options. When to Use Footnotes and Endnotes The main uses of footnotes and endnotes are as follows: To add a footnote citation in referencing systems such as MHRA and Chicago, with full source information also given in a bibliography at the end of the document. Endnotes are also used for citations in some systems, such as in IEEE or Vancouver referencing, where numbers in the text point to an entry in a reference list at the end of the document. To add non-essential commentary on something in the main text of your document. For example, if your research has raised an interesting question that is not directly relevant to your current work, you could mention it in a footnote or endnote. This lets you acknowledge the question – showing the reader that you haven’t simply ignored or failed to notice it – but without interrupting the flow of prose in the main document. Keep in mind, too, that some referencing systems use in-text parenthetical citations. As such, you should only reference a source in a footnote or endnote if your school has asked you to do it this way. Do Notes Count Towards the Word Limit? We’re often asked whether to include footnotes and endnotes in the word count for papers. Different schools have different rules about this, so you will have to check your style guide. However, you should never use these supplementary notes to cheat the word count. The key here is that essential information should never go in a footnote or endnote. If you do move vital evidence or analysis to a note, the person marking your work may ignore it. And reducing the word count is never more important than putting forward a full, coherent argument. If you do need to reduce the word count in an essay, you have other options, such as rewriting wordy sentences or cutting repetition. Having your work proofread is a great way to ensure that your writing is always clear and concise, too, so let us know if you’d like any help.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Pros and Cons of using open source software to secure your network Essay

Pros and Cons of using open source software to secure your network - Essay Example This is so to guarantee unlimited access to derived works by original contributors. Examples of open source software in the contemporary world include the operating system Linux, Firefox, GIMP, Sugar CRM, Vtiger, Zurmo, and Suite CRM. People generally develop open source software to gain recognition and plaudits, enhance the product and to increase its longevity (Feller, 2005). With the huge number of organizations, governments and businesses using open source software such as the ones listed above, it has become evident that the free/ fair/ lower prices of the software is not the only advantage the use of these software bring. Along with reduced cost of spending and management of such software, there are a plethora of other benefits concerning the use of open source software. The first of these benefits is the superior security that is associated with open source software. An instance that proves this higher security status is a recent happening where coverity of numerous defects of the Android kernel was discovered. The only reason this discovery was possible is because the kernel code is open to the view of the general public. Basically therefore, the implications of open source software is that the more people who can see and test a set of codes, the higher the chances that flaws will be discovered and quickly corrected. This is what is termed the Linu x law which asserts that, given sufficient eye balls, all bugs are shallow. Open source software kinds are continuously evolving and upgrading the system. The markets appreciate product robustness and open source software facilitates a larger market of early adopters (compared to those of closed source software/ proprietary kind) who actively aid in debugging the software. In essence, therefore, open source software grows much faster in the early stages of development/ introduction into the market (Feller, 2005). Closed

Friday, November 1, 2019

Evidence to Critically Discuss the Potential Consequences of Essay

Evidence to Critically Discuss the Potential Consequences of Implementing ERP Systems - Essay Example into a single information system5, ensure that financial data is consistent with other departments on a real-time basis6, improve resource planning, enhance the integration of global and supply chain system, and requires less computer applications7. Most of the routine accounting tasks will no longer be necessary8. Therefore, it is expected that there will be lesser cost on hiring accounting staff. Furthermore, the use of ERP can help reduce the risk of data redundancy. Therefore, problems related to financial integrity is possible. Due to the fact that real-time financial data will be available anytime of the day, managers can easily make important business decisions9. Despite the advantages of implementing ERPs, the use of this technology can be very costly because of the need to maintain and upgrade the system, hire additional consultants and technical experts who can convert existing data and customize the system based on the nature of business10. Aside from the need to re-train people on how to maximize the use of ERP system, the company also need to consider the need to change their normal business process. 11. Implementing the use of ERP could result to lesser accounting personnel by eliminating routine jobs12. Because of fear of losing their job security, implementing ERP increases the risk of creating resistance-to-change among its people13. As a result, there is a risk wherein internal problem such as work-related attitude and behaviour would arise. How the Role of Management Accountants Change when ERPs were Introduced Ever since the ERP has been introduced in the market, the role of management accountants has been subject to a lot of changes. Instead of focusing on pure book-keeping practices, management accountants who are obliged to use the ERP system are expected to play the role of an â€Å"internal consultant† to the business14. It means that management accountants should one way or the other serve as the financial adviser of the company. Through the use of ERP system, the future book-keeping would definitely become automated in terms of data collection15. Even though management accountants are expected to retain their knowledge in book-keeping, the future role of management accountants is not limited to having a vast knowledge and understanding about the basic business management theories and practices but also strive hard to improve their communication skills, interpersonal skills, consulting skills, IT skills, and ability to work in team16. Associated with the implementation of ERP system, the line managers are somehow expected to play a significant role in the management of allocated financial budget17. To ensure that the management accountants will be able to allocate sufficient budget to line managers, the management accountants should be able to forecast necessary budget based on historical data18. One of the main reasons why management accountants should acquire sufficient knowledge and skills in business management is because of their need to constantly communicate and interact with a group of business managers with regards to several bu siness issues19. By doing so, management accountants will be able to gain better understanding on how different business indicators can be used in gauging the overall business performance. In the process of learning more about how the daily business operations work, management accoun